Wine Experts
Scientific and Technical Committee
Our tastings of wines and spirits follow the standards recommended by the O.I.V. and the UIOE.
We have increased the technical constraints both collegial and geographical dispersion. We have also implemented a tasting protocol unique in the world to judge wines and spirits for themselves and not comparatively but also to optimize the potential of tasters including limiting the number of samples to be tasted in a morning, never in the afternoon.
Tasting PanelsLes Collèges
Panel 2 - production and affiliates, secretary: person working upstream of the wine industry: winemaker, laboratory manager, viticultural technician, glassmaker, corker, printer, etc ...
Panel 3 - marketing, distribution, wine tourism: person working downstream of the wine industry: trader (s), sommelier (e), wine merchant, exporter, chef, caterer, visit manager, etc ...
Panel 4 - education, training, communication, public relations, media: people who train from CAPA to PhD through vocational training in the professions of vine and wine; and whoever professionally collects information, writes articles or publishes reports (written, audio, photo or video) in the world of vineyards and wine.
Panel 5 - discovery consumption: wine lover, epicurean, hedonist.
Tasting JuriesLes Jurys
Each jury comprises 5 jurors, 3 foreign jurors and 2 French jurors from each of the colleges.
Each jury is composed of a juror from each of the first 4 international professional colleges corresponding to the promotion of the vine and wine trades. We will find a juror from the oenophile amateur discovery college.
The choice of integrating oenophile enthusiasts is a deliberate desire because this college reflects the tastes and expectations of millennials.
No taster influences any other taster at the tasting table because ... they are all international professional experts!
The wine sample evaluated will thus benefit from a high-level exchange and a multi-international expertise as well as comments from it. We find ourselves with a product that responds as close to the market.
That's what the professionals can offer and it's called: EXCELLENCE